

Hello there.
Thought I would give this blog thing a shot.. . . . I think I am going to blog about things I do as an artist such as, progress images, thoughts, ideas, playing around images, updates, you know and some of the other things in between that may be of others interests.

As some may know, the past few months I have been in hiding working on quite a bit of painting which was worth every second of isolating myself socially as I learned new things, and was able to focus everyday. Although, as expected I simply got burnt out on using a brush for the moment. To take advantage of such exhaustion, I have returned to drawing as my friends and I are doing a show here in Portland in a couple weeks at the Breeze Block Gallery.

With spring right around the corner and taking a break from painting for a month, I found that to be a good excuse to get out more and roam the streets at night . I recently purchased a new camera that motivated me to do something productive as I walk around at night looking for things. So, I have officially became a fake photographer that takes pictures of random things effected by light, because I think its fun and I also think it would be pretty cool to be able to see things like a camera does. . . . . . . . So on that note, I am leaving you with this photo of something random. . .

good night

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